

30 noviembre 2010


Quiz 24th November, 2010.  Cristina Novelo Arceo

1.      Defined these subjects.
·         Define Human Capital: They are the attributes of a person or people that are productive in some economic context.
·         Define KSA. - Defined as the KSAs (Knowledge, skills and abilities) required for a particular job, which an employee generates through education, training, and experience.

2.       Select one of these two questions
·         Draw the intellectual capital chart

                                                Intellectual Capital                                          

·         Write and describe each of the elements of the HC accounting model formula.
a)      Intellectual capital. - covers many intangible elements related to an organizations ability to create value.
b)      Customer capital.- the contributions that customers make to service delivery, experience and consumption processes and to the bottom line of an organization.
c)      Human capital.- includes company’s values, culture and philosophy which would cease to exist without employees, is the sum of all human capabilities that support the org´s objectives and strategies

3.      Select one of these two questions
·         Draw the total value chart

      |                                |                                 |
         Structural Capital     Human Capital             Customer Capital

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