Management Enhance Employee Safety in Workplace (Author Ana Laura Aguilar Solis)
Accidents and injuries impact on a company since unsafe environments lead to morale and production decrease and turnover and absenteeism increase. They cause loss of wages, pay of medical bills, increase in insurance premiums, the company’s image and qualitycan be severely damaged. They can be avoided by training people to be alert to hazards. The areas where hospitality employees suffer accidents include kitchens, bars, stairways, boiler rooms, elevator shafts, laundry rooms but these are not the only ones.
Accidents and injuries impact on a company since unsafe environments lead to morale and production decrease and turnover and absenteeism increase. They cause loss of wages, pay of medical bills, increase in insurance premiums, the company’s image and qualitycan be severely damaged. They can be avoided by training people to be alert to hazards. The areas where hospitality employees suffer accidents include kitchens, bars, stairways, boiler rooms, elevator shafts, laundry rooms but these are not the only ones.
The most important steps to enhance employee safety in the workplace are:
· To know the applicable safety regulations so actions to comply with them are taken.
· To develop procedures, methods and guidelines to maintain a safe work environment.
· To conduct training for all staff, especially for those in contact with potentially dangerous materials and equipment.
In order to comply with those steps, different methods can be followed, some of them are:
Safety and Security Meetings: these are held in order to promote safety and security by addressing topics such as slips and falls, ladder safety and electrical dangers among others, insurance carriers can offer classes to reduce accidents.
Safety and Security Committees: they are formed by selected hourly employees and managers that meet periodically to discuss unsafe work conditions and ways to deal with them.
Employee Rewards: To praise departments that reduce/eliminate accidents or unsafe conditions is of interest to the company’s employees, they can go from special recognitions to bonuses.
Different topics are addressed when planning how to enhance employee safety at the workplace:
Emergency and Natural Disaster: having an evacuation plan (this can be practiced at least every month). Any given evacuation plan should conclude with head counting for employees after exiting the building. Emergency supplies that should be kept on the desk include a flashlight, bottled water, shelf-stable food and an evacuation map.
Personal Safety: policies should be divulgated and enforced. They go from related to harassment to leaving the building accompanied in case of being late.
Accident and Injury: equipment manuals and instructions should be given to the staff that will work with it. Best practices for lifting heavy or awkward items, use of carts, back braces and toxic chemicals or hazardous substances should be instructed.
Equipment: to help control staff access, especially during off work hours, include keys and pass-cards. Surveillance cameras also help alert security personnel about people in unauthorized areas.
Problem Employees monitoring: staff members that are prone to violence should be identified and kept a close eye on since they could disturb safety through intimidation, bullying and threats.
To conclude, it is important to highlight what is needed in order to implement these planning procedures:
· Create awareness through implementation of health, safety and security at the workplace.
· Keep track of training sessions, divulgate company policies and procedures. Issue appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing, have safe facilities.
· Monitor procedures, updating them after of accidents (record these) or new laws.
Here you can see i little video about this subject,so you can know more about it.
Here you can see i little video about this subject,so you can know more about it.